تفاصيل: علي صيفان
المشاهدة 1582
Board Certified Pharmacist ,graduted with houner with great record of achievement in
retail, clinical hospital, and lon term care environments. Career marked by 4 years of
experience overseeing pharmacy operations and working closely with patients and
healthcare professionals to achieve optimal outcomes. Demonstrated expertise in
medication regimen review, CMS guidelines, and long-term care. Proven success in
providing comprehensive and complex care to patients. In-depth clinical pharmacy and drug
product knowledge; excel in making clinical recommendations related to high-risk
medications, drug interactions, and generic and therapeutic substitutions. Strengths include
prior authorization, retrospective drug utilization review, medication regimen reviews, and
knowledge of various pharmacy software and information systems. Trilingual, fluent in
French,English and Arabic
2022 - 2019
جامعه ابو بكر بلقائد تلمسان الجزائر
بكالريوس صيدلة
Doctor in pharmacy (bachelor’s degree in pharmacy/ University of ABOUBEKER BELKAID, Tlemcen, Algeria 2019. Graduated with A+ with Honor, and the final research was Published in the university website