تفاصيل: Abdulrahman Mohammed Ali Al-Sharabi
المشاهدة 559
I am IT engineer seek to continuously developing my skills to gain more experience, I am skilled in developing web application using HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT and php also in frameworks such as bootstrap, vue.js and laravel also designing and implementation of databases. I have some skills which allows me to work as Technical Support.
2024 - 2022
جامعة تعز كلية الهندسة وتقنية المعلومات
بكالوريوس هندسة تقنية معلومات
CGPA: 87.65% GPA : 4.5 out of 5
2024 - الحالي
عمل حر
Full Stack Software Developer
Implement a modern user interfaces web pages using css and bootstrap
Link between backend and front using PHP – LARAVEL
Work with Content Management System (CMS) builds in Laravel
Deploy the website into hosting and solve the problems
Write the required logic code
Manage Cpanel and other hosts systems
التكريمات والجوائز
شهادة جوجل المهنية في الدعم الفني تقنية معلومات رابطها https://coursera.org/verify/profession al-cert/3D73V2T8RKC5
لقد حصلت على الكورسات والشهادات التاليه: Technical Support Fundamentals, URL : https://www.coursera.org/verify/NK37RJCG5HZK The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking, URL : https://coursera.org/verify/RFSCCW6CSCF7 Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User, URL : https://coursera.org/verify/4BCZY53Z66VG System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services, URL : https://coursera.org/verify/WPJMSLGNFCZ5 IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts. URL : https://coursera.org/verify/RKJCRTBGGQ2J
شهاجة IBM لمطور Full stack software developer
Introduction to Cloud Computing, URL : https://coursera.org/verify/7WA8K8SSQKXX Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, URL : https://coursera.org/verify/FUYXJMJMYRPU Getting Started with Git and GitHub, URL : https://coursera.org/verify/VRF8U7GUVYPL Developing Front-End Apps with React, URL : https://coursera.org/verify/CFLVDY6KMYQX Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express, URL :https://www.coursera.org/verify/WUVEAZV6U5HB